Vomiting in children | Causes of vomiting

Vomiting in children

If the baby vomits, this can be a sign of a serious problem. “Severe traumas also cause vomiting in children.” Parents, especially mothers, begin to experience serious fear when children experience persistent vomiting and loss of appetite. Even those who give medicine arbitrarily are not few. But experts express their serious dissatisfaction with this situation. Can vomiting and loss of appetite in children really indicate serious diseases?

Vomiting in children is one of the most common conditions. This situation, which happens especially in babies, is more worrying. Recently, cases of vomiting related to viral infections have become widespread. But what to do when vomiting?

According to Ayten Ziyadova, pediatrician-infectious doctor, severe trauma can also cause persistent vomiting. In this case, children should not be given any drugs or injections on their own. According to Aytan Ziyadovan, who also talks about the problem of anorexia in children, especially in babies, heart defects can cause anorexia. So parents should be careful. Since children’s immune system is weak, it is important to consult a doctor in time when there is any concern.

Experts consider it important to vaccinate children over the age of one month, especially when it comes to viral infections that have spread in recent days. Zeynab Muzaffarli, Sabuhi Mustafayev, Sehiyye TV News

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